6 months ago


(Apologies for the Spanish subtitles) If Not? You're welcome if it helps...

Aug. 13, 2024. Bill Gates, Vaccines, Vaccine Programs, Depopulation, Eugenics, Vaccination, Manufacturing, Vaccine Development, Vaccine Mandates, pandemics, Depopulation, Agenda 2030, Vaccines, never-ending injections, the New World order, agenda 21, World Health organization, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,

Bill Gates calling for GERM Teams to be established “The team will need to regularly organize outbreak simulations”

A never ending cycle of preparing for each “Next Pandemic”

August. 2024, 8/12/2024, 8/12/24, 08/12/2024, 8-12-2024, 08-12-24, 2024-12-8, 2027/12/08, Aug. 12, 2024, August 12, 2024,

August. 2024, 8/14/2024, 8/14/24, 08/14/2024, 8-14-2024, 08-14-24, 2024-14-8, 2027/14/08, Aug. 14 2024, August 14 2024,

August. 2024, 8/13/2024, 8/13/24, 08/13/2024, 8-13-2024, 08-13-24, 2024-13-8, 2027/13/08, Aug. 13, 2024, August 13, 2024,

Bill Gates, Vaccines, Vaccine Programs, Depopulation, Eugenics, Vaccination, Manufacturing, Vaccine Development, Vaccine Mandates, pandemics, Depopulation, Agenda 2030, Vaccines, never-ending injections, the New World order, agenda 21, World Health organization, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Medical industrial complex, big Pharma, Medical IDs, digital IDs, News, Media, MSN, Trending News, Truth, horrific, Medically, governments, Big Pharma, Lies, Assisted Suicide, conspiracy, Decentralization, agenda 2030, covid, vaccines, freedom, Globalism, Globalists, NGOs, Secret Orders, Secret Societies, Documentary, Movie, Film, Banksters, Politicians, Global Elites, The Great Taking, Financial Elite, The Plan, Stealing, Everyone, IMF, Big Banks, Globalists, The Global Elite, World Leaders, Hustlers, Fraudsters, Lies, Deceit, Deception, interview, National economic security, United States, economics, National, economic, security, recovery, political policies, Elijah Streams, Breaking News, Economics, Finance, Finance, Money, Financial, BRICS, INTRA BANK, Payment System, Money Reserves, Currency, Launched, What's Next, THE 'SWIFT' Banking System, 'U.SA', Financial System, Hegemony, Global, The Greenback, The Petro Dollar, Gold, Silver, Precious metals, Drugs, Drug Use, Child Abuse, Inducing Fear, Terrorizing, Innocent Children, Monsters, Horrible Humans, Demons, Demonic, Dopamine, M.I.T, PhD, Medical Claims Conspiracy theories, Vaccine, Injuries, Health, Healing, Reversing, Rumble News, Biological Weapons, mRNA, Vaccine, Depopulation, Truth, Facts, Medical Advice, Medical News, News, Breaking News, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Globalism, NIH, WEF, W.H.O, Science, Health,

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