LB | Aug 13/24 | What is it like to be a Psychiatric Nurse?

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What is it like to be a Psychiatric Nurse?

Kathy White
B.Voch.Tech.Ed, M.Voch.Tech.Ed & Retired Non-Practising Psychiatric Nurse

Synopsis: Today we are going to be speaking with Kathy White, a retired, non-practising Psychiatric Nurse. Kathy currently does the C.A.R.E. Program Workshop with the Hope Learning Centre and we will learn more about that program in next weeks episode. Today, however, we will be talking with Kathy about what her Career as a Psych. nurse looked like. This should be a great conversation for anyone, but particularly, it should be a great talk for anyone interested in becoming a Psychiatric Nurse for their career path. We'll talk about the ups, the downs, and all of the considerations someone interested in this line of work should think about as they prepare to enter into this career.

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