Whistleblowers United: "Love is the Ultimate Power Against All of This" - 13th Aug 2024

6 months ago

Meet Sacha and Michael Wall. Two people using the tragedy of abuse to alchemise a positive outcome via their mission of Whistleblowers United.

Whistleblowers United is describe themselves on their website as:

“A not-for-profit, independent organisation, created by survivors to help and support all kinds of whistleblowers, to come together, share their stories and unite as one community, dedicated to stopping abuse, corruption and top down control, with truth, love, unity and lot's of high pitched noise...

Our mission is to provide a confidential, professional, trauma informed disclosure service, for victims of all kinds of ill treatment, corruption, and abuse, to release and record their disclosure, in a safe, secure, supported, welcoming space, in a way that's tailored to each individual’s wants and needs...”

It’s a noble purpose born out of the tragedy of Michael’s brother Timothy’s death in suspicious circumstances following his whistleblowing attempt 4 years ago, as you’ll hear in the interview. You can read more about that here: https://www.wbutd.org/2024/05/23/the-suspicious-death-of-timothy-jon-wall/

Sacha and Michael know very well that abuse in the UK is systemic from top to bottom and the vast majority of victims are too afraid to speak out. But speaking out is the only way we’ll ever stop it, and stop it we must.

Join the Weekend Wonderland event here: https://www.ticketfairy.com/event/whistleblowers-utd-wknd-wonderland

Here’s the website for Whistleblowers United: https://www.wbutd.org/

Here’s the Crowdfunder link: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/whistleblowers-united

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