The Rise of Islam .... the untold truth (read description)

6 months ago

Good speech...BUT they NEVER EVER give the full truth. The Vatican is never mentioned, the Khazarian Jews are never mentioned. Islam is the whipping stick used against Christians, which is why the Vatican has always had the objective of destroying Christianity and anything to do with God and Jesus. As most Khazars fled to Western Europe, 20% of the Khazars fled to North Africa as Sephardic Jews (Zionists)....where did those Jews go to? It's my belief they changed their identity to Muslims, radical Islam then went Eastwards and the CIA funded the radicalisation of Islam and the building of many Madrassas. Just as the Ashkenazi Jews (Zionists) infiltrated the education system in Israel, the Sephardic and Wahhabis took control of the education system in Arabia. The result was the emergence and spread of radicalised Jews and radicalised Muslims, as moderates chose to keep their heads down in intellectual cowardice. This is EXACTLY why the UK and other European natives are bowing down in silence, through fear. The rise of Islam using convenient "expendable containers" in the ranks of the muslims will bring in Communism, aka Bolshevik style, as 95% of the Bolsheviks were Khazarian Jews, FALSE Jews; the Nazis were Khazarian Ashkenazi, the Khazars do this time and time again, masters of identity theft and deception. The end game is for Islam to flood all over Europe and the world in order for the Nazi-Zionist Bolsheviks to bring in worldwide Communism, this is why Genocide came with Covid, seizure of land, private ownership, and the two trojan horse BLM and LGBTQ+++ in order to destroy the nuclear family. What the majority of muslims do not grasp is that they are "expendable containers" and once communism arrives, those muslims will be suplus to requirements..... the Georgia Guidestones stated quite clearly the cabal intended to cull the herd down to 500,000,000. The muslims have not only been brainwashed, but so too have Jews and Christians, brainwashed to hate each other, brainwashed to NOT see the missing piece.....the Khazarian FALSE Jews......and I have never seen anyone mention them, except Kanye West on one occasion. This is why the UK Courts are Talmudic Courts, and the Police and Courts are controlled by the Freemasons, who are the jackboots of the Illuminati. So I am curious how this young lady remains silent on exposing the real truth. The objective is to cull the herd, install a draconian dystopian future in order to cover up the obscenely enormous child trafficking, organ harvesting that is going on in our world, which is a Prison Planet where children (believe it or not) are the food and perverted entertainment of those Godless, soulless entities adorning themselves in braid, medals, and titles.

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