Ephesians 4:1-3 "Walk Worthy" 8/11/2024

6 months ago

Paul writes, therefore, which refers back to what he has already said.
You could also say it like this: in light of all the blessings we have in Christ, we are urged to walk worthy of our calling.
For many, the word worthy makes us uncomfortable.
Because we do not think of ourselves as worthy…and the fact is, we aren’t worthy.
We aren’t worthy of our salvation, nor are we worthy of God’s grace and mercy.
There was absolutely nothing we did to earn our salvation, and there is nothing we did to deserve His mercy and grace.
What we have been blessed with is a gift of God’s grace through our faith.
This is our first example of what it means to be more like Jesus…and that is the direction of this message.
That Jesus loves, embraces, and forgives those who least deserve it yet truly need it.
And as we walk worthy of our calling, we are to do the same as we are being conformed to His image.

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