DebConf24 - Attracting and Retaining New Contributors Insights From Brazil

5 months ago

Speakers: Carlos Henrique Lima Melara & Lucas Kanashiro

Track: Community, diversity, local outreach and social context

Type: Long talk (45 minutes)

Room: Bada

Time: Jul 30 (Tue): 14:30

Duration: 0:40

Attracting and retaining new contributors for the Debian project is no easy task. One must learn a handful of new tools, deal with mailing lists, irc, salsa, communicate mainly in a foreign language, and all this just to be able to start contributing to some part of the project. In Brazil, we have developed some process and techniques to ease the introduction of newcomers to the project and lower the barrier for contributions. We would like to share some of our experience introducing people to packaging via Debian Brasília community and to localization via l10n-portuguese team.


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