Birth Certificates are CREDIT BONDS stolen by DEBT SECURITIES Rothchilds Governments

6 months ago

This is an educational video and evidence proving that your Birth Certificate is used as a CREDITORS BOND stolen by Rothchilds Government for DEBT SECURITIES treasury office. Using Commercial law commercial bankers to draw on off shore trading foreign exchange rates. And the BOND AGENTS are Police Arrest Warrants & BAIL BONDS through freemason crown courthouses they shift civil matters into criminal matters. These BONDS are acccessed from Global Stock Markets & Trust Accounts offshore. THESE Bank robbers, gold diggers & grave robbers are FLEECING INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE WEALTH, illegally! Wakeup people! END SLAVERY.
DISSOLVE PARLIAMENTS in all western common wealth nations held under seige.
These are Native Land Bank Bonds 1800s, prior to a CURRENCY SYSTEM Cash flow circulated.
Lets include:
1. Civil Law that becomes corrupt by police agents & lawyers/accountants to create
2. Criminal Law prosecutions, in a cult Legal Code courtroom. They weaponise law as commercial contract -
3. Commercial Law Foreign trading used on targeted individuals for foreign exchanges stock markets, these BONDS HIGH YIELD matured - their inheritances of Owners Creditors Birth/Marriage certificates. Instead, these predators interfer with your future estates inheritance, by creating trouble purposely
& stealing whats yours. They strip you of everything. Who are the Legislative Bodies? The rothchilds bank robbers of the Statues statutes to favour self rulers. This is how these crooks use their self rules as a BANK ROBBERY! White collared crime has escalated 500% breaching 100% of their own crimes act. 70% of their workforce is corrupt jobs. Thats why many Native cultures dont fit into their PYRAMID society of rich, middle & poor classes in Cities. This is the ANTI-CHRIST BEAST system of sacrifice rituals evil. They live off the benefit of theft, fraud, murders. Declaring War against individuals - as in no rest for the wicked. WHITE MAN pedophiles helping themselves hasnt changed in 160 years!!! There needs to be an Act of Judgement from on high to Judge these blue blood reptile snakes Rothchild Bankers are with drawing peoples BIRTH Certificate BONDS, Marriage Certificate BONDS matured. And even Death Certificate BONDS must be Life Insurance claims. Even when Dead a person can still be making money.
The politician police rothchilds steal it All! Where is Justice?
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