2 months ago

Every year on 2 August, people organise events in honour of the lives lost in the ongoing gen*cide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The day was baptised as Congolese Genocide Memorial Day by @genocost, an initiative led by diaspora-based Congolese who have formed the Congolese Action Youth Platform.

@urgencespanafricaniste hosted the vigil in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

There, African Stream journalist and president of @burkinabooks, Inemesit Richardson, reminded the public of how badly the imperialists want to control the DRC.

According to the European Union Generalised Scheme of Preferences, the DRC is the most resource-rich country on Earth, with 64 per cent of the global supply of coltan, a mineral used to power smartphones, laptops, tablets and electric cars. NGO Friends of the Congo (@congofriends) says Congo has enough arable farmland to feed three times the African population each year and the Congo River has enough hydroelectric capacity to power the entire African continent, plus excess to export worldwide.

Now you can see why Pan-Africanists everywhere should fight for the liberation of the Congo!

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