Full Restoration Restore The Abandoned 50-Year-Old Antique Motorcycle 150cc

6 months ago

Full Restoration Restore The Abandoned 50-Year-Old Antique Motorcycle 150cc

Full restoration restore the abandoned
50-year-old antique motorcycle 150cc

fully restore restoration the abandoned 50-year-old
antique motorcycle 150cc
I turned, motorbike, motorcycle,
restoration, restore,fully restoration,full
restoration,restoration motorcycle,restoration
motorbike,motorcycles 150cc,restore
moto,restoration moto,old, old motorcycles
Full Restoration Yamaha Motorcycle 150cc- Vintage
Abandoned Treasure
Hi there! We're introducing our really BIG project,
we were working for 1 year - amazing Yamaha. Hope
you'll get some pleasure:)
Don't forget subscribe us! That's really important
for us:)

Finally !! We Made a 40 Years Old Scrap into a
Brand New MotorCycle... This project worth your
time. it takes our 3 Months!! So, Enjoy our 3
month Extreme Hard Work !
T hope you'll really like it..
00:00 Intro
00:27 Disassembly
01:13 Fuel tank Restoration
11:48 Side covers Restoration
16:33 Engine Restoration
31:06 Wheels Restoration
33:31 Shock Absorber Restoration
36:27 Chassis Restoration
37:37 Assembly
40:48 Final Overview
Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your value time to
Watch,Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe our
videos on The Restoration Channel, and we will try
all our best to find more idea as try to Create more
videos to make your assist and more facilities.
If you have any idea or more convenience to
support us please don't hesitate to contact with
us!i apologize for the mistake if I made this

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