Delayed Universalism and a repentant lesser antichrist

5 months ago

I was told this life is my purgatory, that I'm on the fast track to heaven, and that I'm destined to have free will, I was told also in what I think was my prophet-friend's teasing that I earned my salvation, I do not hold that I did, he also said salvation is a gift of jesus and I do believe that much
oh also I did that thing where I guessed if I opened saint augustine's book city of god to page 666 I'm the antichrist and I opened it and voila, so I gave the book away out of fear, I cannot stress though that god is good and faithful and brought me out of the fire, all these things happened in the past, I have an uncertain future but I'm hoping for a rich and fulfilling life of peace and comfort with the woman I love and having two children we raise to be christian (with a few modifications based on my direct experience with god and his stealth prophets in this generation that I knew and lived with)

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