Fake Doctor Visits Nebraska During the Fake Pandemic - Nebraska History Aug 14, 2020

5 months ago

Nebraska History. Today on August 14, 2020. The local fake news bimbos reported that Fake Dr. Birx was in Nebraska to spread her covid BS. This terrible, disgusting, and ugly lying fraud was one of the covid plandemic conspirators who are guilty of mass murder all across the globe. This psycho bird-brain loon should have been arrested, but instead, was able to speak at the capital and the fake news promoted her covid propaganda, like they were paid to do.

This is one of the many blact fake news DEI bimbos on the local fake news who spread lies about the dirty face diaper mandates. These face diapers did not stop any fake virus but they did suffocate innocent children.

Nebraskans really did make a change that showed us how stupid, gullible, and pathetic they are and how quick they are to hurt their children with senseless virtue signaling.

Omaha was on a list because these covid frauds, like fake Dr. Birx, just made up all their data charts and colors. They had a great time making up all sorts of garbage.

Also a decline to zero, in trust and respect for all these fake doctors and fake health experts.

We had real life situations were masks caused people to die from suffocating and passing out while driving.

No they are not heading to any zone except to the fake vaccine zone. Remember the masks were just one step in the whole plandemic, that almost everyone, in Omaha, Phoenix, and all over the country followed like brainless child-like idiots.

You couldn’t tell who was infected because no one was infected with any bat soup virus. However, now we can tell who is infected because if you got the covid shot, you got infected.

Fake Dr. Birx was in Nebraska to spread all the fake pandemic lies that she and all her covid co-conspirators made up. The local Fake news bimbos did their part to broadcast the lies to the ignorant and empty-headed Nebraska sheeple. All the liars and idiots really came together during the great covid plandemic to ruin Nebraska, and the world forever. And that’s Nebraska History.

More Nebraska History on Substack https://open.substack.com/pub/realfreenews/p/nebraska-history?r=1ekiak&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

#drbirx #covid #fakepandemic #covidlies #covidtal;kingpoints #fakedoctor #fauci $trump #mikepence #covidiots #covidtruth #maskmandate #maskupometro #maskupnebraska #bigredresponsible #covid19ne #covidresponse #covidcrazy #ketv #fakenews #omaha #nebraska #omahanebraska #sheeple

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