two political party description

6 months ago


1.There a two political parties.
There is stable and crazy.
These political parties shape the future.
People choose political party.
Who will represent the people.
Who do right for the people.

Two political party description.
crazy and stable political party.
chorus lead1
make sure have right vote decision.
chorus lead2
They have different agendas
chorus lead3
make sure have right vote decision.
They have different outcomes.
Two political party description.

2.There's a stable political party.
They believe in family and business.
they don't spend as much.
They fix the problem society has.
They sustain economy for a long time.
They protect country sovereignty.

Two political party description.
crazy and stable political party.
chorus lead1
make sure have right vote decision.
chorus lead2
They have different agendas
chorus lead3
make sure have right vote decision.
They have different outcomes.
Two political party description.

3.There's a crazy political party.
They believe in classes society.
They spend so recklessly.
They leave the country in debt.
They don't protect the country.
They increase society problems.

Two political party description.
crazy and stable political party.
chorus lead1
make sure have right vote decision.
chorus lead2
They have different agendas
chorus lead3
make sure have right vote decision.
They have different outcomes.
Two political party description.

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