men without or with a purpose

7 months ago


1.A man without purpose.
Man doesn't have a vision.
Doesn't know where he is going.
most likely to fail in life.

Man without or with a purpose.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead1
two different men.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead2
two different purposes.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead3
Two different out comes.
Man without or with a purpose.

2.when a man has a purpose.
A man has straight forward visions.
Man committed to his purpose.
Won't stop anything to achieve it.

Man without or with a purpose.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead1
two different men.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead2
two different purposes.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead3
Two different out comes.
Man without or with a purpose.

3.A man with no purpose.
Cannot stand where he is.
He needs help from people.
To help him find a purpose.

Man without or with a purpose.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead1
two different men.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead2
two different purposes.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead3
Two different out comes.
Man without or with a purpose.

4.Man with purpose.
Has achieve what he wants to achieve.
he did it hard work and effort.
made himself and everyone happy.

Man without or with a purpose.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead1
two different men.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead2
two different purposes.
Be with purpose than without.
chorus lead3
Two different out comes.
Man without or with a purpose.

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