man damageproof suit withstand damage

7 months ago


1. A man gonna face humans worst fear.
Gonna face a hurricane and tidal wave.
Has created a suit.
The suit is damage proof.
Has created grounded stuck boots.
Makes man stick in one spot.

Mans damage proof suit withstand damage.
Man road testing his suit.
Against mother natures fury.
The suit has pass the disaster test.
chorus lead1
chorus lead2
chorus lead3
Man boldest bravest invention suit

2.First one is a hurricane.
Man is in position.
Hurricane force try blow away man.
Man stood his ground.
Hurricane winds went pass by.
Man unfaze and didn't move position.

Mans damage proof suit withstand damage.
Man road testing his suit.
Against mother natures fury.
The suit has pass the disaster test.
chorus lead1
chorus lead2
chorus lead3
Man boldest bravest invention suit

3.Earthquake happen in ocean.
Tidal wave is approaching.
Everyone ran for their lives.
Man stood in his position.
Tidal waves try to push man.
Man unfaze and didn't move position.
Mans suit really worked.

Mans damage proof suit withstand damage.
Man road testing his suit.
Against mother nature’s fury.
The suit has pass the disaster test.
chorus lead1
chorus lead2
chorus lead3
Man boldest bravest invention suit.

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