man creates his own energy source

5 months ago


1.A man is looking at disgust.
Looking at these windmill turbines.
Renewable source of electricity.
Powered by the winds.
It's not good option for source.
Because winds didn't blow all the time.

Man creates his own energy source.
Uses machine sucking the wind in.
chorus lead1
Transforming wind into lightening cloud.
chorus lead2
Creating everlasting energy source.
chorus lead3
Man's idea better than windmill turbines.

2.A man has his own.
Electricity wind source generator.
To get machine suction on.
When wind blows suction sucks.
Capture the wind in generator compartment.
Man seeing the wind.

Man creates his own energy source.
Uses machine sucking the wind in.
chorus lead1
Transforming wind into lightening cloud.
chorus lead2
Creating everlasting energy source.
chorus lead3
Man's idea better than windmill turbines.

3.Man now uses science.
Transforming wind into electricity.
Using other compounds electrons & protons.
Transform wind into lightening cloud.
Bolts of lightening create electricity.
lightening capture electric lines.

Man creates his own energy source.
Uses machine sucking the wind in.
chorus lead1
Transforming wind into lightening cloud.
chorus lead2
Creating everlasting energy source.
chorus lead3
Man's idea better than windmill turbines.

4.Electric lines lead to mans house.
Power everything in his house.
Appliances and other stuff.
That runs on electricity.
never pay electric bill again.
As long cloud never dissolves.
As long cloud produce lightning bolts.

Man creates his own energy source.
Uses machine sucking the wind in.
chorus lead1
Transforming wind into lightening cloud.
chorus lead2
Creating everlasting energy source.
chorus lead3
Man's idea better than windmill turbines.

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