The Leviathan symbolizes the sovereign authority or the commonwealth

6 months ago

The Leviathan symbolizes the sovereign authority or the commonwealth that arises from the social contract. It is a powerful entity created by the collective agreement of individuals to ensure social order and protect them from the anarchy of the state of nature.
Implications: The Leviathan, as Hobbes sees it, has absolute authority to maintain peace and security. The sovereign’s power must be undivided and absolute to effectively manage the society and prevent the return to the state of nature.
"Leviathan" primarily refers to the work by the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, published in 1651. The full title of Hobbes's work is Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common-wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil. This seminal text is a foundational work in political philosophy and social contract theory.

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