correction glasses inspire people to do right

4 months ago


1.Alot of people done wrong things.
Doing stupid thats will got in trouble.
Need to set them on right track.
Seemingly people stuck on digital media.
Inventor has invent something.
Called tv correction glasses.

Chorus lead
Correction glasses inspire people to do right.
Technology common sense on people
People doing bad crime.
Glasses are here to stop it.
Good results bad stuff going down.

2.TV correction glasses what it does.
Glasses have dark shades.
On the glasses is TV screen.
Inside plastic coating is
Sensor and cables.
Sensor sensing brain wave.

Chorus lead
Correction glasses inspire people to do right.
Technology common sense on people
People doing bad crime.
Glasses are here to stop it.
Good results bad stuff going down.

3.sensor info sent to TV screen.
TV glasses CPU is thinking.
Screen has the info and answer.
When person looks at the answer.
He'll think twice.
Before he doing something stupid.

Chorus lead
Correction glasses inspire people to do right.
Technology common sense on people
People doing bad crime.
Glasses are here to stop it.
Good results bad stuff going down.

4.TV glasses has effect on people.
Crime rate gone down.
People avoiding doing bad stuff.
People avoiding going to prison.
Society is turning safe.
Free from crime and trouble.

Chorus lead
Correction glasses inspire people to do right.
Technology common sense on people
People doing bad crime.
Glasses are here to stop it.
Good results bad stuff going down.

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