Hydroquinone Microneedling Treatment at Fresh Faces Rx

6 months ago

Fighting off 20yrs of UV Damage is alot of maintenance. I’m at my monthly Hydroquinone Microneedling Session with the beautiful Cedar. I have to share this.. Cedar takes her time, to assure comfort. She literally was massaging the numbing cream onto my face. I gotta say “best facial massage ever with numbing cream!”🤣 Numbing helps the comfort of microneedling. On some parts of my face; like forehead, nose & undereyes are more sensitive. Numbness helps get an even treatment all over my face. Cedar goes extra on the melasma to get the Hydroquinone to do its job better. She also applies lots of hydration; to help give my skin that extra boost. I always leave feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to see fresh skin. Walking out beautifully confident.
After my skin feels warm & tight. I just had a bunch of tiny needles poking my face. My face will have some redness and swelling for up to 3-5 days, but most visible recovery happens within the first couple of days. Other side effects I watch for is peeling or flaking skin. I may get itching and/or dry skin. Post treatment tips: I baby my skin the first week; No Actives. I nourish & protect my skin plus lots of hydration. For itchy skin; I spot treat with my VI Cream which has 1% hydrocortisone. I drink lots of water to help my body produce healthy collagen cells. Now my collagen and elastin go to work to start repairing my skin.
Call FFRX to set-up a Free Consultation. What are you waiting for… always make time for Yourself and your Selfcare.

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📍Disclosure: I’m a FFRX Affiliate; using my Fresh Faces Rewards; I don’t make any commission. Only passing on the savings to you.

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