"Comprehensive" Sex Education: Goals and Controversies

6 months ago

Tom Hampson is co-hosting with me today and we are grateful to be with Monica Cline, founder of “It takes a family”.

Monica joins us to explain the nefarious nature of the National Sex Ed standards, also called Comprehensive Sex Ed, being pushed across the nation to rob children of their innocence.

Monica knows firsthand as a former Comprehensive Sex Educator (CSE) and Title X (family planning) Training Manager who was trained by the LGBTQ community and Planned Parenthood.

She shares her story including a conversion to Christianity, which prompted her to deeply question comprehensive the sex education and crisis pregnancy counseling that she was involved in.

Today, Monica boldly exposes the secular ideology behind comprehensive sex education and the abortion industry, which aim to destroy our children, families, and culture.

Monica encourages parents to RECLAIM PARENTHOOD by accepting their God given role as the primary authority and educators for their children. She teaches parents to follow God's command in Deuteronomy 6:7 to impress God's truth onto their children continually, because IT TAKES A FAMILY to raise strong children, build healthy communities, and form a great nation.

We're blessed to bring you this video, with the inspiration of St. John Paul II and St. Catherine of Siena.

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“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
― St. Catherine of Siena

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Jack Rigert is a co-founder of the John Paul II Renewal Center and leads our outreach. He is also a writer for several online Catholic outlets. Previously, Jack was a professional chef and entrepreneur who owned restaurants, real estate, and a financial service company.

Dramatic “encounters” with Jesus Christ at his dying brother’s bedside and again in the Eucharist at his brother’s funeral, brought him back into the Church after a twenty-year absence. While attending graduate school in Theology, Jack came across the teaching of Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” He immediately understood that this was the treasure he had been seeking all his life, sold everything, and now travels the country presenting Parish Missions, Retreats, and Classes. Jack has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He lives in Elburn, Illinois with his wife, Jeannie and is an active member of St. Gall’s Parish, in Elburn, IL.

Contact Jack: info@jp2renew.org

Read Jack's Blog substack.com/@jackrigert

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