The Dragon Moray Eel~Beauty And The Beast Of The Coral Reef ~Known For It’s Stunning Appearance

1 month ago

Stunning Appearance
The Dragon Moray Eel is known for its vibrant orange-brown body adorned with striking black and white patterns. Its curved jaws, filled with fang-like teeth, and horn-like nostril tubes give it a fierce and captivating look.
These eels prefer coral reefs and rocky outcrops in the Indo-Pacific, including Hawaii and southern Japan.
Their streamlined bodies are perfect for navigating crevices in the reef, and their excellent sense of smell helps them hunt for prey in the ocean's depths.
- Dragon eels possess double jaws and two sets of razor-sharp teeth.
- They have a remarkable sense of smell to compensate for poor eyesight.
- They seek out "cleaner shrimp" for a thorough cleaning, not for a meal.
- There are about 200 species of moray eels worldwide.
- Moray eels are scaleless and protect their bodies with a slippery, sometimes toxic mucus.

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