Railroad Car to Blazing Money

7 months ago

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Jackpot! Diuine Light Diuine Darkness the Money dWill flow

Railroad Car to Blaxing Money

3 movies are handpicked aided by Diuine Guidance and than 5 minute segments are randomly generated and mashed into one sequence to draw money to you.

Introducing my new blog singlemindedly pinpointed on money drawing,
Foundation For Money Sustenance Prayer

Diuine Guidance Thumbnail.

Previous Uideos
Obstacles On the Way to Making Money

Swirldwind Tornado of Silver Money

Diuine Money is Hard to See

The purpose of this rumble channel is to extend the lifespan of the Human Race.

Calling All Heroes
You Can Save the Earth

Jan 2025 Update::
You can now hide limes in baking soda bowls.
I recommend you place a dehydrated lime half over each submerged lime.
Baking Soda and Lime Bowls over time begin to clump and periodically should be stirred.
Clumps can harden, and can be hammered into bits and blended into powder for reuse.

Updated Digit Shield.
Note to All Phollowers:: You may be required to sign up for Remedial Classes

Updated Digit Shield

Updated Digit Shield, Meditations Against LimeLight not yet added.

New, 10.30.24
Updated Meditations Against Limelight; go bananas.

New, 09.09.24
Shield Enhancer Statement

Core Statements with Digit Shield
Endanger becomes Endainger, "G' is pronounced like in "goose'
Digit, "G' is pronounced like in "gift.'

Phor Reciting This Digit Shield::
Zero becomes Oh
beat timing is
five,one,eight...three, two

By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite, activate Digit Shield

51832 87541 44712 57548 53364 28794 65352 72443 67281 72860 00000 00000 37932 74

Against the Phantom Menaces That Blockade
Just A Single One Cent Coin Donation
Being Successfully Delivered By United States Postal Service to
Jamie MyQale Qraw

Meditate on this Digit for 30 Minutes
51832 87541 44712 57548 53364 28794 65352 72443 67281 72860 00000 00000 37932 74

Recite Core Statements.

Core Statements Against Powerful Nemesis Superintelligences
that Oppose the Spiritual Advancement of the Human Race
Thru Jamie MyQale Qraw::
Harems are secretly supported by Jamie MyQale Qraw to foundate the Spiritual Advancement of the Human Race thru Sacred Sex.
Governments worldwide continue to struggle against Superintelligence beings that prey on individuals that secretly harm the innocent to gain power.
Meditate for at least 15 minutes.

Recite this with faith.
The Uerse day you say the Shield recite::

The following days, recite::
By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite, I grok Digit Shield
51832 87541 44712 57548 53364 28794 65352 72443 67281 72860 00000 00000 37932 74

{Meditate for at least 60 minutes)

Eventually after a certain digit of days, the activation recitation must be said again; look for a feeling that it is time.

Shield Enhancer Statement
The phollowing Shield Enhancer Statement improves your Digit Shield.
Can be conducted daily.
By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite, fortify me against hostile stars that seek to cause backbiting also backstabbing of those that defend the Earth against LimeLight.
{Meditate for at least 15 minutes)

Meditations Against Limelight

Limelight is the Dark Matter that seeks to end all life on earth.

These meditations defend the Human Race.

The Color Black in objects curses the Human Race.

Abstaining from wearing black clothes, black hats, black sunglassess, black gloves, black socks, black shoes, sitting on black furniture...

1 Meditation
If you do not know the fill in the blank, that line should not be said


For centuries the Human Race has been overrun by Alien colonists driven mad by Limelight.
_________ is the Reincarnation of Christ who seeks to purify the Human Race thru Sacred Sex.
(Meditate for at least 9 minutes)

2 Meditation
By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite, may pThe Law of Karma Magnetite fortify me against Limelight.
(Meditate for at least 60 minutes)

3 Meditation
Meditate on the empowered picture of baking soda and lime, a potent shield against LimeLight.

4 Meditation
A major goal of Dark Matter is to cause depression and life ending behavior.
Conduct this Uow once every 3 days to preserve the Human Race.

By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite, I sincerely Uow to choose the Door of Life Against LimeLight!
May pThe Law of Karma Magnetite defend this Uow.
(Meditate for at least 30 minutes)

Making a Baking Soda and Lime Bowl

Place at most 9 fresh limes in a glass bowl (not pictured).

Dehydrated lime slices can be placed around the fresh limes.

Whole dehydrated limes are unsuitable; blackened dehydrated lime slices are less effective than non blackened.

Afterwards, Limes should be buried instead of thrown in the garbage.

Dehydrated lime slices and Baking soda are not thrown away and can be re used.

When re using baking soda, remove the limes to be buried and recite::

By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite! May pThe Law of Karma Magnetite cleanse this baking soda to prepare it to be used again to defend against LimeLight.
(after 30 minutes it is ready for you to place more limes)

Over dehydrated Lime slices to be re used::

By pThe Law of Karma Magnetite ! May pThe Law of Karma Magnetite cleanse these lime slices to prepare it to be used again to defend against LimeLight.
(after 30 minutes it is ready for you to place more limes)

For convenience, I recommend you replace all fresh limes with dehydrated lime slices.

In this case, cover the baking soda with at most 15 dehydrated lime slices.

General Meditation to Defend Against Unknown Hostility
Extremely Clever Minds
of Cunning Living Beings
are overruled by
Supreme Everlasting Forever Consciousness
of pThe Law of Karma.

{Connected Symbols)
Red Playball,
Exquisite Shiny Gold Wedding Ring,
Marine Aquatic Tether Net

{Meditate for at least 5 minutes)

This is a education scholarly produced Uideo and the materials in this video are beholden to pThe Law of Karma that overrules all manmade laws.

A day begins at sunrise and ends on the sunrise of the next day.

processed on Day and uploaded on Day of date:: 08.12.24

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