1 month ago


Since the invention of the printing press, there's been a battle to control disseminated information. In the early 1900s, oil tycoon John D Rockefeller took control of every newspaper and news editor of his era. He became America's first billionaire, paving the way for the power hungry ever since. Thus began the gold rush for the modern world's most precious resource. The narrative. Do you have any people being paid by the CIA who are contributing to a major circulation American Journal? During a Senate committee investigation, it was revealed that the CIA had been conducting a covert operation to infiltrate and control U.S. media. They called it operation mockingbird we do have people who submit pieces to American journals do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for

Around the same time that John D Rockefeller seized U.S. media, he also hijacked US medicine. When it was discovered that drugs could be produced from petroleum, America's top oil mogul ordered his army of propagandist to invert reality accordingly. Medicines used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as alternative. While the new petroleum based, highly addictive and patentable drugs were declared the gold standard. After buying the German pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of war for Adolf Hitler, Rockefeller leveraged his political influence by pressing Congress to declare natural healing modalities. Unscientific quackery. Control of the American Medical Association and began offering massive grants to top medical schools under the mandate that only his approved curriculum be taught. Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants and diet was erased from most medical textbooks. Doctors and professors who objected to Rockefeller's plan were crucified by the media, removed from the AMA, and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine. Those who dared to speak out were arrested and jailed.

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