4 months ago

The great mistake that Americans [as a whole], fail to acknowledge is the fact that Communism is the same as & originates from Judaism/Kabbalah. Communism is attempting to erode the world's morals, beliefs, religions, & ethics in order to install in full view of the public, a Jew [Zionist] World Order aka NWO.

In today's day & age, Communism under the guise of Socialism and Marxism [all one in the same] is treated by the majority of the world, as presenting no danger to life or well-being & as benign as a modern Monarchy. This is a false and dangerous belief, & this film presents many reasons as to why.

Film voiced by John Kaminski. John is an extremely passionate, American writer, who gives voice to the same hopes & fears of humane people that are ignored by big business shysters & Jewish media.

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