Stop Your Inner Critic | Real Talk | Ep 33 | FeelGoodShareGood

6 months ago

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These events aim to share an individual’s inspiring journey overcoming a challenge in their life. Whether the journey is health related or how a business developed, all positive, life changing journeys are discussed on this talk show.

Recorded on June 3, 2024:
Stop Your Inner Critic
Host: Siobhan Shaw

Dr. Roni ~ Celebrity Diet Detox Doc
Gabriela Daughtrey ~ Renowned Health & Wellness Advocate

Special Guest:
Melissa O’Mara ~ Certified Positive Intelligence Coach and Founder of “The Leaders Co-Lab”

Here's what you can expect:
During this session, you will learn a simple technique to stop the negative inner critics, and shift back into your calm, focused center. Once you understand how to identify the voices in your head that are limiting your wellbeing, happiness and success, you can practice "self-command" - re-claiming control and calm. And, with some additional knowledge and practices, you can retrain your brain to create new, healthier patterns of reacting to old triggers and stressors. We will be referring to the Mental Fitness program created by Shirzad Chamine, and his book, Positive Intelligence.
We will also talk about the origin of these inner saboteurs, and the importance of practicing compassion for ourselves, and others.
We invite listeners to get to know your Saboteurs by taking the Saboteur Assessment

Our Editors:
Christopher Cadiz - -
Mary Jerusha Teraji -
Michelle Weng

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