Riots Across Europe Prompt Full Scale Assault On Free Speech. Wake Up - America is NEXT!

5 months ago

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Do NOT fear the riots - fear the government RESPONSE to the riots.

Brace for impact because what we have seen emerge from the rioting, protests and counter protests in the United Kingdom IS COMING to America - we need to organize & prepare for a full scale assault on our our 1st Amendment rights including speech and assembly. Today we feature very important pieces by Jeffrey Tucker, Jessica Rose and Matt Goodwin.

‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’ ~ Constitution of The United States

The Constitution is pretty clear on the right of the people to express FREE speech with no limitations. However, we have seen these rights eroded over time and utterly obliterated under the fascist Lockdowns of 2020 with the expanded use of presidential & gubernatorial emergency declarations and executive orders. Sadly, COVID atrocities and a reckoning are off the table for discussion in the upcoming election due to the nomination of Donald Trump. Because both parties are complicit - both parties agree to cover it up. This is VERY dangerous for We The People.

So now … the tinder box is being prepared and mixing a financial crisis, an immigration crisis and a contested election in a bitterly divided nation has the potential to give the deep state every excuse they need to usher in sweeping speech restrictions unlike ANYTHING we have witnessed.

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Here comes the free speech CRACKDOWN --which we must RESIST

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