Nancy Pelosi Squirms As She Says Biden's 'I'm Staying' Letter Didn't Sound Like Joe Biden

6 months ago

Posted • August 12, 2024: We could watch Nancy Pelosi squirm as she realizes she accidentally told the truth all day, every day. You can always tell when ol' Peloser … sorry … Pelosi is lying because her arms start flapping around and she tries desperately to talk a lot without actually saying anything. This time though, she said plenty and honestly we're surprised she didn't take flight with her arms flapping around that much. And it's just a 20 second clip. -- "It didn't sound like Joe Biden to me." Pelosi admits others might be writing Biden's statements against his will. This Nancy Pelosi clip is actually her being asked about the July 8 letter in which Biden (forcefully) asserted he was staying in, but then Pelosi went on TV a day or two later and made it seem like it wasn't settled. In other words, Pelosi is working very hard to pin it all on Biden. Very telling that it's not Biden speaking for himself.

Of course this bears the question, who the f**k wrote it? And who the f**k is writing his statements? And who the f**k is in charge of the country right now? Oh, and how much was Kamala Harris involved in removing him so she could run in his place and take his war chest? So many questions, with zero answers. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WATCH Nancy Pelosi Squirm As She Accidentally Admits Biden Didn't Actually Resign On His Own

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