Fishing and Camping in Jeep Wrangler 2 door JK

5 months ago

Footage from my last solo mountain adventure. Catch a few fish, pick some huckleberries, a little trail riding. Broke a tooth, all the fun stuff!! Was supposed to be a catch and cook... but the fish were just too big to fit in the frying pan :)

Here is a list of my most asked about gear, stuff I own and use on this channel often:

My most used outdoor gear:
Mepps Aglia 0, 3 color:
Mepps Aglia 1, brass:
Mepps Aglia 00 ultralight:
Trout Magnet Jigs :

These are affiliate links if you purchase using them I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!

#troutfishing #carcamping #overlanding #jeep

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