UK Police - Pirateering for a dissolved Corporation

6 months ago

Don’t be afraid of them just because they are wearing uniforms and have been granted an overwhelming sense of entitlement by this overreaching and morally bankrupt two tiered regime.

Know your rights. Whilst you still have any.

All UK Police Force districts, Courts, Councils etc are all private corporations, many foreign owned and listed on Dunn & Bradstreet. All Police Officers are committing serious treasonous crimes on a daily basis as they are pirateerig for a dissolved City of London Corporation, and the UK Government Limited are also a private corporation. All those Police Officers who choose ignorance will have no leg to stand upon when faced with a military tribunal on charges of treason, malfeasance of public office, fraud, extortion, aiding and abetting in a planned Covid hoax, genocide, crimes against humanity, unlawful imprisonment, coercion, threat, intimidation, violence for consistently using deception to obtain joinder of every living man, woman, and child; trying to get those souls to come into the jurisdiction of corporate administrative illegal and unlawful courts. You were all warned 4 years ago to choose a side, you chose tyranny and you all broke every clause in Article 6 of the Nuremberg Code, and the 2000 Terrorism Act.

The clock ticks....the military is the only way

Here's another fine post from a patriot....(Margaret Hanlon)

The City of London corporation dates back to 1066 - Battle of Hastings, when the Royal Family rightful heirs were replaced. Since then we have had squatters claiming to be King's and Queens, there is nothing Royal about them. The City of London became a corporation and to deal with a corporation we had to be corporations to which we did by the birth certificate scheme (strawman) without our consent, by our parents. The Queen had her Courts, her Banks (face on money) her Government, her education system, her post office, her police, her army etc etc. We as corporations were taxed, traded as stock and enslaved. We sang her anthem 'long may she reign over us' for 70 years, and we looked forward for her family? To continue, as we had no idea of the slaves we were. In the 1970s the money became worthless 'promissory notes' as no longer Gold backed. Prices increased (houses, education, interest rates, utility bills, more money produced and cards, digital in full swing. Eventually to get us all cashless using electric cars, computers AI and we would be happy owning nothing, with electric cut off, benefits cut off, prison for free speech, refusing vaccines/medication. We needed to be woken up, as we blindly led ourselves and our children into this Evil. Our Freedom was being bit by bit stolen and we had accepted. Until 2020 through this movie for those awake. We stood up, we fought, we lost family, friends, siblings, but we never stopped. Now those people are rising and like us being called far right, etc. The Evil system is being exposed the choice is yours. Thank you for all my awakened Family you have been amazing. The future is ours ❤️

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