Christian Magazine- CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

2 months ago

Christian Magazine~ art, entertainment, and life for Jesus followers
Christian Magazine invites you to submit your work to be featured in our online magazine ✝️🕊❤️🔥✌️

Here’s how to submit your work to Christian Magazine:

As the name implies, we are a Christian magazine. That means your work must in some way glorify God. While it doesn’t have to be expressly religious in nature, it should edify its readers/viewers.
By submitting your work, you are giving us permission to edit it. We want to show your work in the best possible light, so grammar/spelling/formatting issues will be fixed. If the editor makes stylistic changes, you will be sent a draft for approval before we publish it.
Please include a short (50 to 100 words) bio in the body of your email or as an attachment with your submission. Your bio should include information about your relationship with Christ.
You may submit work in two ways–via email at or by sharing it via Google docs (use the same address). If it is written work, it must be editable. In the subject line of your email (or the document name on Google docs) please include the word “submission” and one of the genres listed below. If you’re sharing a bio via Google docs, be sure your name appears in the document title.
Testimony–tell us what God has done for you. Testimonies should be between 300 and 1,000 words.
Short Story–while short stories don’t need to be expressly religious (see #1 above), they need to be edifying. Make sure the language is squeaky clean. Short stories should be no more than 3,000 words in length.
Poem–As with short stories, keep your language squeaky clean. Also, please give your poem a title. Untitled poems will be titled by the editor. You may submit up to 3 poems per issue. We prefer shorter poems, so keep them under 35 lines.
Visual Art–paintings, photography, and sculpture (by which we mean pictures of your sculpture–please don’t send us an actual sculpture) should be accompanied by a brief description of the piece, including the meaning behind it. Please submit pictures as .jpg or .png files. Make sure they’re high quality.
Music–You may submit music by either sending us a link to where it’s already posted online (e.g., YouTube, Spotify) or you may send us a video/audio file. Please send us a copy of the lyrics as well. If you send us video/audio, we will post it on our own YouTube channel. By sending us the file, you are giving us permission to do so. If we decide to accept your song for an issue of our magazine, we may also want to interview you for that particular issue.
There are only 2 of us on staff, so please be patient while you wait to hear back about your submission. We’ll do our best to get back to you quickly–whether we accept your work or not. We’ll let you know either way.

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