TODAY'S NEWS, August 7, 2024

2 months ago

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) Cackles chose Minny Gov Tim Waltz as her veep, but wanted Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro, When he interviewed Cackles, he couldn't stand her. President Trump issued a two-word message when Cackles chose #TamponTimmy: "Thank you." Maybe that's because $550 million was stolen from Minny's "pandemic relief" programs under Tampon Timmy. Oh, and more on Tampon Timmy as the Minnesota National Guard said he was demoted, contradicting his official bio. In other words, like all DemoKKKrats he's a liar.

2) Botoxic (Nancy Pelosi) had difficulty maintaining a coherent thought in a CNN interview.

3) Here is another thwarted plot to assassinate President Trump. Trump's Manhattan case sentencing will be on September 18, and at that time

4) Judge Merchan will rule on his own worthiness to be the judge and Trump's motion for recuse.

5) Good, but we need to add some zeros: a community college was hit with a $330,000 settlement because it censored pro-life and anti-commie messaging.

6) The evil squadster, DemoKKKrat Cori Bush-league was given the boot in her primary election.

7) Some 88 pounds of coke washed up on a Florida beach. Where's Hunter?

8) A streamer with nearly 30 million total viewers has been harassed by Cackles and her Secret Service to do a political podcast, to which he has refused.

9) Shortly after tightening voter regulations, Georgia's Electoral Integrity board just agreed to accept a resolution that will require the U.S. Post Office to provide tracking for mail in ballots. Slip slidin' away for Cackles.

10) The FascistBI has searched the home of UN weapons inspector, Iraq war critic, and anti-Uke War Scott Ritter.

11) DemoKKKrats are outspending Republicans by nearly double on the Presidential race. Course, spending is irrelevant if you don't have a candidate to spend against, which Trump did not have til last week.


12) Here is an interesting discussion of significant inbreeding in Islamic societies, including the Pakistanis in Britain.


13 Common sense as the National Institute of Health will offer service for transoids who woke up and want to return to their real sex.


14) U.S. household debt soared to almost $18 trillion.

15) I told you on Tuesday. Now we have a number as 300 Big Lots stores will close.


16) Christopher Rufo on what the hell (literally) happened to London, and the UK is drifting Full Fascist by arresting people for retweets that state the obvious. Ya never go Full Fascist. To show you how Full Fascist England is, the UK is threatening to extradite foreign critics of mass migration!


17) Duane Thomas, the great running back for the Dallas Cowboys who played a key role in their Super Bowl XI victory, is dead at age 77. Thomas, known in 1971 as "the Sphinx" because he refused to speak with the sports media the entire year, was at odds with legendary coach Tom Landry. He nevertheless was a talented rusher.

18) Famed rock group Aerosmith announced abruptly that it would quit touring after singer Steve Tyler seriously injured his vocal chords during a set. For the record, no pun intended, I liked many of their studio songs. But I saw them live with Jeff Beck opening. My friend and I loved Beck, but after three songs by Aerosmith---all boring---we said, "Let's go."

19) Disney had a bad earnings call, saying for the first time that the parks' revenues had fallen. Can't imagine why. It isn't just the cost, which, in Florida for a "park-hopper" pass with all the apps to get on rides can run $1000 for a family of four per day, but the difficulty of navigating all the apps so you can get on your favorite ride. (In reality, you're limited to about three of these per day in a single park).


20) Another one bites the dust, as one of Australia's biggest pro-vax journalists just died of "turbo brain cancer." I'm sure the vax had no role.


21) Given the success of "Deadpool & Wolverine" and the cameo by Jennifer Garner as Electra," please Lord don't say we're gonna get a "Daredevil 2" movie with the newly liberated Ben Affleck. That would be like a Billy Ray Cyrus re-launch or a "best of" tour with Yoko Ono.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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