Porn Is Ruining Your Marriage (EP. 235)

7 months ago

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Justin and Tony are back on the pod for Week 2 as we continue our series on Lust, Sexual Addiction and Pornography. Today we are talking about How Porn is Ruining Your Marriage. Stats say nearly 40% of married men seek out illicit images on a regular basis. 56% of marriages that end in divorce at least one spouse was obsessed with porn. Pornography is part of the picture but not all of it when it comes to sexual addiction. A lot of men fail to admit that they have a sexual addiction. If you keep going back to whatever your thing is, that's an addiction. Jesus says in Matthew 5:27, when you look at a woman lustfully you have already committed adultery in your heart. Jesus raises the standard. It starts with a look and can easily lead to other things. What is that look going to cost you? Your addiction to porn leads to objectifying woman, including your wife. You are ultimately measuring your wife up against these images on the screen. Sexual addiction is self-focused. The more we are lusting after things we want, we are not going after the things God wants. We are designed for connection and intimacy with God and others. Men, don't hide it anymore. It is ruining your marriage. You cannot overcome sexual addiction on your own. If you don't know where to get help, Let us be a resource for you, contact us today –

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