Who Is Real | Where Is JD Vance | Where Is The Real Peter Thiel

6 months ago

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The Triumph of Christianity over Paganism."
Gustave Doré, 1899.

Christ, carrying the cross and surrounded by a host of angels with swords ready to attack, towers over the pagan gods of various mythologies: Scandinavian, Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Middle Eastern.

The Who
Who Are You

from THE REAL CHIEF OF POLICE: JD VANCE, PETER THIEL, HIS WIFE MAT DENZEISEN, DR KARMAZIN, ALL ARRESTED. ..."Peter Thiel, the King maker promised Trump to fund his campaign. Thiel started the America GOP super pac. He told Trump he would fund his campaign If he picked JD Vance. Trump agreed to do that with fingers crossed and an Ace up his sleeve. Watch the video above.
I really didn't want to post this, because I wanted Trump to win except there is not going to be an election. But I have to tell you the truth and let the chips fall where they may. The modern day VAMPIRE Dracula's Peter Thiel, his wife mat, Dr. Karmazin. Started a company called Ambrosia, then shut it down. It was reported that Vance ran the company, but I could not confirm that. Karmazin started another one..
They found the secret to reverse aging alright. It is called adrenochrome. They were synthesizing it but it didn't have the efficacy. So they reverted to the old way of extracting it. Trump knew Vance and Thiel were involved in modern day vampirism. Vance and Thiel are joined at the hip.
All were arrested and taken to GITMO for their tribunals for crimes against humanity. All were immediately replaced by doubles. I get so tired of that. The Alliance needs to just let it be. Trump has much better control with Vance's double. When you look at the video above you can immediately tell that Vance is not nearly as tall as Ryan. Vance actually looks 5-7. Vance's double at the RNC was almost as tall as Trump. YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE.
I wonder how he is going to get Vance's double gone. Vance is doing terrible rally's. Will Trump make him step aside and choose someone else. Time will tell. Remember that Vance is at GITMO. Is Vance going to be allowed to come back after the tribunal and continue, like some people were. YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE. IT IS A REAL THRILLER.
NATURAL NEWS (MIKE ADAMS) Bombshell new video shows shooter running across roof in full view of Secret Service
We have shocking new video footage today showing Trump's shooter running across the open rooftop in clear view, making no effort to hide himself, a full three minutes before the shooting.
This video, filmed by one of the bystanders who was actually hit by gunfire, reveals even more compelling evidence that the US Secret Service absolutely knew he was on the roof, in position and ready to assassinate Trump. Yet the Secret Service did nothing.
Even after the shooting began, the Secret Service waited a full 16 seconds - more than enough time for the shooter to unload a full magazine through his rifle - before returning fire.
This video reveals it is now absolutely certain this was an inside job, and that the Biden administration literally tried to murder Donald J. Trump.
We have full details on all that, plus a fascinating new interview with "The EMF Guy" with practical tips about protecting yourself from EMF pollution, in today's broadcast here:

I am your host

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