Keroro Gunso Ep 16 - F2F Transformations

6 months ago

Episode 16 Mois, Dark Mois Arises!?/ 16B Mois, Mois Mois' Big Panic Twin At All Costs!
Asami practiced martial arts since she was young becoming a renown fighter. However, that ended up leading to her being involved in street brawls that gave her a bad reputation. She fought to protect her friends Daisuke and Yuki, but she was abandoned by them afterwards. It was during this event that Angol Mois chose her to be her human model for the courage she had to protect her friends even standing alone. Sometime later, Asami was picking up fights with people and scaring them into giving her pocket money, which leads to her meeting Mois again. In the anime, after meeting the girl identical to herself, and even an illusion where many other clones appeared, she's convinced to leave her life as a delinquent behind and try to make peace with her parents and go back to how she used to be before she became involved with street gangs.

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