International False Rape Timeline — hangout — (111) Not For The Timeline III

6 months ago

I begin with an in-depth discussion of the Antoinette Frank case; she has been on death row in Louisiana since 1995. She and her teenage boyfriend murdered three people, yet she is a victim of “gender-based violence”.

I spend quite a bit of time discussing this case and the associated special pleading by Cornell Law School and others then turn to several other cases starting with an alleged sex trafficking case. Yeah, right.

After that I discuss the case of yet another fraudulent charity engaged in the struggle against (child) sex trafficking comparing it with the case of Somaly Mam – linked below.

Then a report from 2000 in which a 19 year old and a 20 year old had sex with a 14 year old who cried rape then recanted. No action was taken against them.

Next is the case of a music teacher (singing) who was accused of touching what he shouldn’t have touched. He was acquitted of all charges. Cases like this would be laughable if they were not so tragic.

This is followed by a laughable domestic case followed by the case of a bloke who appears to have got away with murder.

Next is the bizarre case of a Wolverhampton man who was accused of raping a student and trying to force her to work as a prostitute.

Then one of the sickest cases I’ve seen of late – a man who was accused of raping his own mother but was convicted only of incest.

This is followed by a married man who had sex with a teenager who cried rape, then the case of a much older man who had sex (at work) with another teenager.

Then another one from the 1990s in the United States; the alleged victim refused to testify.

I mention the Gary Kitchings case which I have added to the Timeline recently. This was followed by a bizarre bondage case from South London.
I finish with a bondage case from South London.

Somaly Mam:

Gary Kitchings:

Convicted murderer Satpal Ram:

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