Unearthing Giants | The Lost Civilization of Catalina Island Revealed | Genesis Documentary

6 months ago

Welcome to our thrilling documentary, "Unearthing Giants: The Lost Civilization of Catalina Island Revealed!" In this captivating episode, we delve deep into the mysterious past of Catalina Island, exploring the incredible archaeological findings that challenge our understanding of ancient civilizations. Join us as we unveil the secrets buried beneath the sands and rocks of this beautiful island, revealing the giants of history that once roamed its shores!

In 1912 Ralph Glidden uncovered thousands of giant skeletons on Catalina Island, from 7 feet to over 9 feet in height. He was following the diary of a Spanish priest which was written when the conquistadors first visited the island in 1542. The diary described a thriving giant civilization complete with a its own Stonehenge which the giants called the Temple of the Sun. Sometime after the Spanish left, the giant civilization died out but their remains were still on the island. Ralph discovered what may have been the king, and he measured 9 feet 2 inches, and he also found the remains of a princess in a funerary urn surrounded by 64 more children who were sacrificed when she died. These incredible discoveries have been wiped from our history books by the Smithsonian to promote the theory of evolution, since giants do not fit into the story they were trying to push; and instead credit creation science and the Bible, because it contains countless references to giants.

Many sources used in the video can be read online clearly at https://www.archivesofcreation.com/article-evidence-of-giants-archive

We explore the recent excavations that have revealed giant skeletal remains, ancient artifacts, and structures that suggest a sophisticated society. Hear from leading archaeologists who share their insights on the significance of these findings. Learn about the unique customs, beliefs, and daily life of the inhabitants of Catalina Island. We examine ancient tools, pottery, and inscriptions that provide a glimpse into their world, including their relationship with nature and the sea. We dissect the myths surrounding giants in history and how these discoveries align with or challenge long-held beliefs. What can we learn from the legends that have been passed down through generations?

#CatalinaIsland #LostCivilization #AncientHistory #Archaeology #Giants #GenesisDocumentary #HistoryMysteries #ExploreThePast #DocumentaryFilm #CulturalHeritage #UnearthingGiants #CatalinaSecrets #AncientGiants #CivilizationRevealed #HistoryUncovered #Mythology #EnvironmentalLessons

References :
Glidden, Ralph Stone Map Guides to Buried Relics, Santa Catalina Island. Page 29. 1932
Wlodarski, Robert J. Ralph Glidden and His Museum and Collection
The Masterkey 52(1):4-10, 1978

Pictures Of Real Giants used In Video
Cover Photo - The San Diego Giant Mummy. The World, October 7, 1895 "Biggest Giant Ever Known"
"Ona Man" Library Of Congress, 1897. Patagonia Giant Native 7 Feet 4 Inches
An Ancient Ozark Giant Dug Up Near Steelville. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. St. Louis, Missouri • Page 60. Jun 11, 1933.

Magellan Tries To Capture Giant For Study
A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels
By Robert Kerr, F.r.s. & F.a.s. Edin Collected Works 1755-1813

American Newspapers That Claim Giant Remains Were Shipped To The Smithsonian And Lost:
Arizona Giants. El Paso Herald, April 19, 1915
"Professor Thomas Wilson, the curator of Prehistoric Anthropology for the Smithsonian, said the following about the find of an eight-foot-one-inch giant skeleton in Miamisburg, Ohio, in 1897. “The authenticity of the skull is beyond doubt. Its antiquity is unquestionably great."

A Giant Skeleton 18ft Tall. The Coconino Sun. Flagstaff, Arizona Jul 11, 1919 Page 11
Giant Skeletons Uncovered In Florida The Kingston Daily Freeman. Kingston, New York Sep 13, 1927 Page 15
A Race Of Giants. The Daily Commonwealth Topeka, Kansas Apr 18, 1884 Page 3
Giant In Ancient Mound. The Washington Post June 23, 1908
Giant Indian Skeleton. Lawerence World Journal 10 April 1922
The San Diego Giant Mummy. The World, October 7, 1895 "Biggest Giant Ever Known"
Giant Crowned Royalty Is Found. Athens, Georgia, Banner, May 6, 1884
Monster Skulls And Bones. The New York Times, April 5, 1886
Prehistoric Man’s Bones Are Found. Portland, Oregon Sunday Oregonian, March 13, 1910
Rancher Refuses To Sell Skeleton Of Giant. Arizona Journal-miner, October 13, 1911
Fifty Skeletons Unearthed--remains Of Giant Aborigines Discovered. La Crosse Tribune, November 4, 1912

Smithsonian Files That Mention Giants
Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 12th 1890-1891. Page 426
Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 14th pt. 1 1892-1893 Page 392, 407, 485
Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 15th 1893-1894 Page 297 - 298

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