Episode 2411: Love God, serve God - Nightly Episode

2 months ago

Welcome to today's episode, where we will delve into the profound simplicity of St. Clare of Assisi's words: "Love God, serve God; everything is in that." We'll explore how this guiding principle is the foundation of a life well-lived and how it ties into the grander cosmic plan of salvation as described by St. Louis De Montfort. His reflections on the ongoing work of the Most Holy Trinity, from the Incarnation to the final coming of Christ, remind us of the divine mission that continues to unfold in our lives and throughout the Church. Together, these insights invite us to a deeper understanding of our role in God's eternal plan and how we can faithfully respond to His call.
The Essence of Loving and Serving God
St. Clare of Assisi's statement, "Love God, serve God; everything is in that," encapsulates the heart of the Christian life. From a traditional Catholic perspective, this command is both simple and profound. To love God is to give Him the highest place in our hearts, to orient our entire being toward Him, and to desire nothing more than to be united with Him in love. This love is not merely emotional; it is active and expressed through service.
Service to God flows naturally from our love for Him. It involves fulfilling His commandments, living out our vocations faithfully, and offering our daily work and struggles as acts of love. This is the core of Christian discipleship—loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and serving Him in all that we do. When we embrace this way of life, everything else falls into place. Our relationships, work, and even our trials become opportunities to love and serve God more fully.
The Eternal Mission of the Holy Trinity
St. Louis De Montfort offers a profound insight into the ongoing work of the Most Holy Trinity. He teaches that the same divine mission that brought about the Incarnation of Christ continues invisibly in the Church and will persist until the end of time. This perspective invites us to see the events of salvation history as part of a continuous, dynamic action of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
"The conduct with the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity have deigned to pursue in the Incarnation and the first coming of Jesus Christ, They still pursue daily, in an invisible manner, throughout the whole Church; and They will still pursue it even to the consummation of ages in the last coming of Jesus Christ." —St. Louis De Montfort
The Incarnation was not a one-time event but the beginning of a mission that the Trinity still pursues in the Church today. Through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, Christ becomes present among us, continuing the work of salvation. The Holy Spirit, who overshadowed Mary at the Annunciation, continues to work in the hearts of the faithful, guiding the Church and inspiring holiness in the souls of believers.
From a traditional Catholic viewpoint, our role in this divine mission is to participate actively in the life of the Church. By loving and serving God, we become co-workers with Christ in His redemptive work. We are called to be instruments through which the Holy Trinity continues to bring about the salvation of the world. This mission is not just for priests or religious but for every baptized person. We are all called to love, serve, and bear witness to God's presence in the world.
The Call to Fidelity in God's Plan
Understanding that the mission of the Holy Trinity continues in our lives today gives new depth to St. Clare's call to love and serve God. It is a reminder that our daily acts of love and service are not isolated or insignificant. They are part of the grand narrative of salvation that began with the Incarnation and will culminate in Christ's return.
From the traditional Catholic perspective, this understanding should inspire us to greater fidelity in our spiritual lives. Knowing that we are participating in God's eternal plan should fill us with a sense of purpose and responsibility. Every prayer, every act of charity, every moment of service contributes to the fulfillment of God's will in the world. It is through our faithful response to God's call that we cooperate with the ongoing work of the Holy Trinity, bringing about the Kingdom of God on earth.
As we conclude today’s episode, let us take to heart the words of St. Clare of Assisi and commit ourselves to love and serve God with all our being. Let us recognize that in doing so, we are participating in the ongoing mission of the Holy Trinity, a mission that began with the Incarnation and will continue until the end of time. Our lives are not just a series of disconnected events but part of a divine plan that God is unfolding in the world and in the Church.
May we find joy and strength in knowing that our love and service to God are part of something much greater than ourselves. Let us be faithful to our calling, trusting that God will use our efforts, however small, to bring about His will in the world. Thank you for joining us today, and may God bless you as you continue to love and serve Him in all that you do.

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