YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, dead of Cancer, discusses YouTube Censorship at WEF, June 4, 2022.

4 months ago

Wojcicki censored information on Cancer that could have saved her life. For more information read here:

Transcript of Wojcicki at the World Economic Forum, June 4, 2022:

"We're definitely investing a huge amount to make sure that we're fighting
misinformation. And there are a number of different ways that we look up at this so the first would be from a policy standpoint. We would look at content that we would think about in terms of being violative of our policies. So if you look at COVID for example we came up with 10 different policies that we said would be violative. Like an example of that would be saying
that COVID came from something other than a virus. And we did see people attacking 5g equipment for example because they thought that it was causing COVID and so that would just be an example of a policy that would remove. So we do remove content based on those policies. We actually publish that on in a transparency report.

The second one would be really raising up authoritative information. so if you are dealing with a sensitive subject like news, health, science. We are going to make sure that what we're recommending is coming from a trusted well-known publisher that can be reliable.

If you think about how Google works it’s very similar. Like if you type in cancer; you type in COVID, what you're going to get are going to be names that you recognize. They're not going to be someone that just published a web page yesterday. So it's very similar with regard to how we handle that on youtube.

The third is making sure that we- if there's content that's borderline content, that technically means our policy but is lower quality. That’s content that we basically will not recommend to our users. Our users could still access it but they will not recommend it.

And then lastly we're just really careful about what we monetize. So we always want to make sure that there's no incentive. So, for example, with regard to climate change, we don’t monetize any kind of climate change material. So there's no incentive for you to keep publishing that material that is propagating something that is generally understood as not accurate information."

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