It Is Always Best To Work ALONE!! Unless GOD Says DIFFERENT!!😏

5 months ago

On her latest episode, Ya Girl Renae took a break from her usual content to share a deeply personal and emotional reflection with her audience. In a raw and heartfelt discussion, she opened up about the challenges she's faced in her career, particularly the downsides of working closely with others. With her characteristic authenticity, Renae revealed how trusting the wrong people has led to betrayal and disappointment, despite feeling a strong, divine warning to steer clear.

Renae began by acknowledging the difficult lesson she has had to learn the hard way: not everyone who comes into your life has your best interests at heart. She admitted that, in her eagerness to grow her platform and collaborate with others, she sometimes ignored her intuition, or as she describes it, "God’s voice," urging her to be cautious. She reflected on how this internal guidance was often overshadowed by the excitement and potential of new ventures, leading her to make decisions that would later prove costly, both emotionally and professionally.

Through her experiences, Renae has come to realize the importance of discerning who is truly deserving of trust and collaboration. She shared stories of how she has been let down by people she thought were allies, only to discover that their intentions were far from pure. The pain of these betrayals is evident as she speaks, but so too is her determination to learn from these experiences and move forward stronger and wiser.

Renae didn’t shy away from admitting that she felt she had, in her words, "f-ed over" herself by not listening to that divine guidance. She emphasized that this was not just about trusting others, but also about trusting herself and the wisdom she felt God was imparting to her. Ignoring that voice, she explained, has led her down paths that were not meant for her, resulting in unnecessary heartache and setbacks.

In her message to her viewers, Renae stressed the importance of faith and self-belief. She urged others to trust their instincts and to pay attention when they feel a higher power is guiding them. "God will always steer you right," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "But it’s up to you to listen and follow that guidance, even when it’s hard or when the other options seem more appealing."

Renae also took the opportunity to reflect on the positive side of these experiences. While the journey has been difficult, she acknowledged that these trials have also been crucial in shaping who she is today. They have taught her invaluable lessons about the importance of boundaries, the necessity of self-respect, and the power of divine guidance in her life.

In closing, Renae expressed her gratitude to her audience for allowing her the space to be vulnerable and for supporting her through thick and thin. She promised that she would continue to strive to be the best version of herself, always guided by faith and the lessons she’s learned along the way.

This candid heart-to-heart not only resonated deeply with her followers but also served as a powerful reminder that sometimes, the hardest battles we face are the ones within ourselves. And in those moments, it’s essential to trust in something greater, to listen to that still, small voice that always knows the way.

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