Season 3 Episode 4: He Laid hold of the DRAGON, THAT OLD SERPENT and BOUND him a THOUSAND YEARS

5 months ago

Originally aired 8/11/24. Last week we began talking about our need to PUSH FOR A RED WAVE in San Diego, or wherever you live, in order to take advantage of whatever opening God may give us and take a STAND against the Globalist agenda. We should do all we can to DELAY their authoritarian plans, which will certainly continue through Kamala Harris as their anointed surrogate for president.

Christians have certainly been fretting over the drastic dismantling of our foundational principles, and relentless powerlessness to slow things down. But when we saw that God INTERVENED in the assassination of Donald Trump, we thought, “Maybe God will give us a chance to SLOW the TYRANNY, and maybe even overwhelm the Globalist’s plot to kill, steal and destroy their way back in control of the White House.”

And so, we certainly don’t believe that Trump is anything but a man—flawed, and maybe even not saved—but we can see that God has USED HIM in the PAST to DISRUPT the globalist rush to a One World Government, to STAND WITH ISRAEL, God’s special nation, and to BUY CHRISTIANS TIME to call more people into the light of TRUTH before we’re raptured out of here.

And that’s why Christians must be vocal and involved this election, to stave off this rapid rush into Global tyranny. I believe we are at the FINAL TIPPING POINT, and that TYRANNY over WHOLE WORLD will come RUSHING UPON us if AMERICA doesn’t stand NOW.

We are the LAST HOPE to hold it back, but if the WORLD doesn’t WANT to listen, then the WORLD will plunge headlong into the Great Tribulation. We see this TIPPING POINT TYPE in the story of Lot and Sodom.

And so what we are seeing here is that GOD WILL NOT DESTROY the city IF there are ENOUGH RIGHTEOUS to STAND and make an IMPACT on the culture. LOT ALONE was righteous, but NO LONGER HAD POWER to JUDGE and INFLUENCE the culture of the city, which was devolving into demonic depravity.

And I submit that this DEMONIC SPIRIT of BRUTALITY that we see in SODOM was UNLEASHED like never before with the SLAUGHTER committed on OCTOBER 7th. The stage was set by Covid, and the COUP of 2020. But this BRUTAL DEMONIC SPIRIT has turned the world’s values upside down, JUSTIFYING rape, torture, kidnapping, and slaughter, while TOLERATING ANTI-ISRAEL, ANTI-JEWISH HATE, and threats throughout the streets and universities of “CIVILIZED” nations for the annihilation of Jews and the ONLY JEWISH NATION.

We are just a BREATH AWAY from the TIMES of the GENTILES being fulfilled, in HEAPING UP INIQUITIES against the LORD and against His people.

Allowing Kamala Harris to be installed in the White House after a DEMOCRATIC PARTY COUP that DENIED VOTERS the chance to choose their own candidate… THIS would certainly USHER IN the GLOBALIST agenda, and SEAL the fate of the Nations.

Listen to Mark Levin’s assessment of what a Harris administration would do from 7/28/24:

As we finish looking at REV ch 19, let’s go back and read what happened in REV 16 that caused the ARMIES of the ANTICHRIST to come together to fight Jesus.

ARMAGEDDON is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Har MEGIDDO, meaning Mt. Megiddo, which is near the coast by Mt Carmel in Israel. There is a large valley nearby called the Jezreel Valley, which is likely the VALLEY by Mt. Megiddo.

And so, now let’s look at REV ch 19, when Jesus RETURNS to the Valley of ARMAGEDDON, where the armies of the earth have been drawn to battle against the LORD and against His Messiah.

We have pointed out before that this judgment is not only for wicked rebellion, but also specifically carries out God’s WRATH on the nations for oppressing ISRAEL, as seen in the LAST DAYS prophecies as we already read is described in GREAT DETAIL in Joel ch 3.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

North Park Christian School:

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