Here Are Some Facts About Who Sabotaged California's Power Grid

6 years ago

Thankfully, blackouts don't occur too often in the developed world. Still, a severe storm or a malfunction can leave thousands in the dark. Would anyone intentionally sabotage the system - and, if so, why? The answer might surprise you.

Blackout can be caused by severe accidents: weather, or lightning strikemay damage the main generator, malfunctions can also be another possible reason for blackouts. Whatever may the reason be, the results bear potential for catastrophe.

Blackouts can quickly become disastrous and no surprise that Government spent millions to prevent them. But what happens if someone purposely creates a blackout. Here where it gets crazy. Someone did! In June 2000, rolling blackouts have affected 97,000 customers in the San Francisco Bay area. In tapes proved by the utility, an in ride trader identified as Bill Williams made an agreement to shut down a power plantproviding electricity to California.

He planned the shutdown to occur during a time of peak demand when a large percentage of customers were depending on electricity. The deregulation of California's energy market allowed traders to reap enormous profits by exploding loopholes in the marketplace. The company eventually went bankrupted and several of its officials were charged with various crimes.

The next time the power goes off, ask yourself this- Was a lightning strike that left you sitting in the dark or it was something else, something your power company doesn't want you to know?

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