Trump tells his Supporters to Get Vaccinated

6 months ago

No Worries – Gas was Cheap, Food was Cheap & Taxes were lower – who cares it all was a lie and many died of the safe & effectives.

Funny how his supporters only remember their bank accounts and not the ones who died and are still becoming sick and disabled.

For those Trumptards to even complicate that this guy isn’t part of the Agenda is just ridiculous.

They provide so many distractions and make that poor Billionaire appear as the vicitm.

He is f*cking monster.

He is a snake.

The hospitals were not overloaded like was reported, the tens were not loaded up like they said, it all was a lie and all he had to do was go and visit.

Did he? Nope.

He is the main character of this horror movie.

Then there is the Libtards who call the Antivaxxers Trump supporters. No libtards, Trump was the main jab promoter in the USA.

Just the fact that we have Government Officials, Senators and the President pushing a Medical Product should have been the Red Flag to at least question.

Our idiotic, medical doctors are just a herd of sheep who willingly take immoral, unethical, murderous orders and gladly accept their enormously, absurdly hyper-inflated government paychecks.

What kind of society have we become?

On July 28, 2020 Trump praised Fauci and said his rating were high and he was following what Fauci and scarf lady recommended and he went on to say he didn’t have to have him, but he chose him.

Trump should have known from the 80’s that Fauci was a murderer.

I sure wish Trump was on the people’s side, but he is not.

Both political sides are working for this evil cabal.

We don’t elect, they select. They want us to continue to play their make believe game and stand in long lines thinking we are “making a difference.”

We may be able to make a difference on our local levels, but not on the main stage, they control that one.

Trump while President: “I would recommend it to a lot of people who don’t want to get and a lot those people voted for me frankly.”

Trump Before he was President: “Trump -- “I've NEVER had a Flu Shot and I Don't get the Flu – I don’t like injecting BAD STUFF” --

You call that Double Speak.

Listen to this guy.

How in this world cannot people see that this guy is a MAJOR, MAJOR part of the Cabal?

It is sad to see people with their Trump Flags out in their yards, thinking that he is going to bring prices back down. (I was one these idiots back in 2016 & 17.)

Look, if prices go back down when they put him back in, that is a PLAN, it has nothing to do with Trump, he is just the main spokesman of the United States, Inc.

His job is to make sure the Global Agenda has the very least resistance possible and if that means lowering taxes, lowering prices, increasing the stock market and putting making our economic life more easier, that’s what THEY will do to make it appear good old Donald is doing it.

Wake Up!

Source: Washington Post --


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END. 8/12/2024 – 3:00 PM

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