Season 3 Episode 3: BLESSED are those who are CALLED to the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB!

4 months ago

Originally aired 8/10/24. The labor pains of these Last days are getting stronger and closer together. One of the most immediate challenges the average American may shortly face is the increasing risk of an economic downturn. In fact, may economists claim that the current economic situation is unsustainable, and that any number of pending events could trigger the crisis.

Last year, we faced 3 of the largest bank collapses in American history when Silicon Valley, Signature and First National banks all failed. Silicon Valley was bailed out, but the Fed after that said it would no longer bail out banks. First National was seized. The Federal Reserve Bank is a PRIVATE institution that as a central bank has the authority to set monetary policy in the US—that should alarm us… After these near catastrophic collapses threatened to impact other banks, the bleeding was staunched by some quick maneuvers.

One Policy that came to light as a result is that from now on bank failures would no longer be bailed out, but bailed-in. What that means is that all deposits in a failing bank over the FDIC insured limit of $250K, would be USED to COVER the LOSES. Depositors would lose those funds.

Another recent monetary policy is that the amount of CASH banks are REQUIRED to keep on hand is 0% of the deposits. That means that banks are NOT REQUIRED to keep ANY money on hand to cover deposits, so if there is any concern about any bank’s financial integrity, as occurred last year, then people can ATTEMPT to withdraw funds, but the bank is not required to deliver them.

There are many financial situations that have placed the US and the whole world in jeopardy of economic crisis. Some of these are:
• The US losing the Petro-dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia, which removes the requirement that nations keep US Dollars on hand in order to buy Oil
• Outbreak of war in the middle east will likely disrupt oil supplies, and create a fuel crisis in light of our own failure to capitalize on our own resources
• If all out war breaks out, we know that Iran and the houthis have threatened further to disrupt shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, where oil and other vital goods are transported around the world
• If oil supplies are disrupted, expect also a disruption of trucks and goods delivered to the US, adding to market volatility
• Already, the dollar is threatened by new BRICS economic block formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and many others
• These risks come after 4 years of reckless spending and printing of US dollars to prop up mounting US debt, causing our spiking inflation
• Then the fed had to raise interest rates to ease inflation, which has INCREASED the burden of national debt
• And the increasing stock market appears to be a bubble waiting to pop
• PLUS, there is a 20% vacancy rate in US office space, which threatens to increase loan defaults, and trigger a cascade of bank failures
• And there are MANY other factors not included here

All of these DIRE developments come on the heels of the Covid Crisis, which these GLOBALISTS both planned and implemented. The World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab wrote a book titled, “Covid 19 is the Great Reset.” Their plan is to Build Back Better, after collapsing the current financial system.

They claim in just a few years, people “will own nothing and be happy,” and that “America will no longer be a superpower.”
In collaboration with the UN, they have published their plans as Agenda 2030 to be implemented through their 17 Sustainability Goals.

And so we can see how using a global economic collapse could help them usher in their Digital Currencies, Digital ID’s and monetary tracking to build the digital control grid we KNOW will be handed over to the antichrist during the Tribulation.

Listen to what Britt Gillette warns concerning another looming threat to topple the economy:

But WE KNOW God’s Promises, and can have peace and hope. And we must WARN others to PAY ATTENTION to the events, and signs that the Biblical Prophecies are coming TRUE before our eyes.

And we MUST shine the light of HOPE, IN JESUS—our ONLY HOPE, so people will have an opportunity to HEAR THE TRUTH, and give their lives to JESUS, and AVOID the DARKEST DAY this world will ever see.

For those of us WHO CHOOSE to Follow Jesus, that DARK DAY will be one of LIGHT and JOY and CELEBRATION as we are RECEIVED into heaven for the 7 year GREAT TRIBULATION.

As we have been reading, we will WITNESS Jesus’s Glory as He takes possession of the earth, and will become His joyful BRIDE before returning to the earth to set up His 1,000 year reign.

Last Saturday we looked at that joyous passage in REV 19, where the Marriage Supper of the Lamb takes place. Let’s look at that again.

We see that ONE IMPORTANT reason for the PRE-Tribulation Rapture is so that Jesus can be Glorified and HONORED in the Presence of His BRIDE as He receives the TITLE DEED of His INHERITANCE to the earth.


North Park Christian School:

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