6 months ago

80% parasites misdiagnosed
Doctoral Medical Students receive zero education in
parasitology and told doesn’t exist in America.
ACS 1956 snake venom test (bird & mammal)
and found “invisible side effect” called “turbo cancer”.
1981 Captopril (venom) ACE inhibitors
Spike protein = venom
Stool Test
Ivermectin and Fenbendazole
Venom based cancers dissolved by nicotine.
MMS / Sodium Chlorite
HydroxyChloroQuine allows viruses to attack cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells, healthy. (AFLD)
Even more effective, when used with Azithromycin. (IJAA)
IVERMECTIN < https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34466270/ >
ROOT cause of CANCER ~ Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg
( 1931 Nobel Peace Prize winner )
"All forms of cancer have two basic conditions; acidosis and hypoxia." 😷
"Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours it may become cancerous"
"Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline."
Your blood Ph should be over 7.0+
CANCER ~ The Forbidden Cures (video)
You will never view modern medicine the same again!
Newer one is called HUMAN PHARMING
https://healingfortheages.com/ CONFERENCE

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