Antichrist Waiting in the Wings

6 months ago

Waiting in the wings of destiny, there is a religious, political, and military leader that is about to take the world stage, to which ALL other world leaders and dictators of the past, will pale in comparison. This man will be a leader who is supernaturally gifted, magnetically charming, and hyper intelligent, almost divinely intelligent. He will be a man who will seemingly have the power to cause the whole world to bend to his dictates by the craftiness and persuasion of his words. Through the power of the unrestrained fallen angel Lucifer, He will command a vastly powerful alliance of world powers, both economically and militarily. In addition to that power he will be heralded as the supreme head of a massive religious body with tentacles that span the entire globe. According to prophecies written in the Bible thousands of years ago, this man will be gifted with a seemingly supernatural powers of miracles, persuasion and deception.

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