Starborn Feline plays Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Ep. 18

6 months ago

We now move in to deal with our next dungeon and face of against the Wisemon who may be behind the Disappearances, of the comic book critiques. What else will we find in the Labyrinth, and how will we deal with the fall out? Subscribe and follow to find out as the story unfolds.

Developer Media.Vision[a]
Publisher Bandai Namco
Platform PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows
End song: Relaxed Vlog (Night Street), By Ashot-Danielyan-Composer, Site-Pixabay. Rylty Free
#Digimon #DigimonStories #Stories #Cyber #Sluth #CyberSluth #Switch #Gameplay #CompleteEdition

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