McGee & Me - 03. The Not-So-Great Escape 1989 (Unofficial Soundtrack)

3 months ago

McGee and Me! is an American television series by Focus On The Family from 1989-1995.
Each episode centers on Nicholas, his cartoon friend, McGee, and the moral lessons they learn as Nick grows up after moving to a new town.

This is an unofficial soundtrack for this series.

** [Instrumental excerpt from 'A Star In The Breaking' by James Covell, track 7 & 10 & 17] **

Track List :
01. McGee & Me [Main Theme] 0:00
02. Evil World (Babel Theatre - Satisfied Customer)[McGee] 1:29
03. Phaser's On Massacre (Phantom Space Pod) 2:44
04. The Freak Movies 4:01
05. Sneaky Previews (Spam Shade)[McGee] 4:09
06. Dirty Shade [McGee] 5:15
07. Blue Fox & Cyborg 2 (Codename **** - Escape From Martin Compound) ** 5:55
08. Commence Execution (The Escape) 7:06
09. Stick To The Plan ** 10:04
10. Night Of The Blood Freaks (Caught - He Freaked) ** 10:26
11. Regret (The Long Walk Home) ** 11:28
12. I'm Sorry (Punishment - The Road To Ruin Is Pavement With Crude Inventions) 13:38
13. McGee & Me [End Credits] ** 14:33

Total Running Time : 16:32

Bonus Tracks
14. Right There In Your Heart[James Covell] 16:38
** [excerpts in tracks 7, 9,11,13] **

Total Running Time: 21:12

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