The Outer Darkness, Chapter 9

1 month ago

This is the audiobook version of "The Outer Darkness".

It's an existentialist, absurdist, brutalist, allegorical novel about a man who is either wandering a city at night, or trapped in a literal hell, or an allegorical hell, or fell into a black hole, or some combination of all of those things.

You can download a free pdf of this novel at:

Or, you can buy a physical copy at:

Inspiration for the novel comes from:

Nausea, by Jean Paul Sartre (existentialism)
Myth of Sisyphus, by Albert Camus (absurdism)
Will to Power, by Fred Nietzsche (existentialism)
The Ethics of Ambiguity, by Simone de Beauvior (existentialism)
Soren Kierkegaard (deism)
The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka (nihilism)
Arthur Schopenhauer (nihilism)
Machine Elves, Terrence McKenna
Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett (postmodernism)
The Third Policeman, Flann O'Brien (postmodernism)

General Theory of Gravity, especially black hole metrics; Einstein, Schwarzchild, Kerr
Quantum superposition and uncertainty; Schrödinger, Dirac, Pauli
Entropy, Thermodynamics, Arrow of Time; Ludwig Boltzmann
Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
Michelson-Morley Experiment

Old Testament (Sheol, Outer Darkness, Land of Nod)
Jewish Kabbalism (Sefirot, Erelim)

Godspeed you Black Emperor
Black Mountain Transmitter

Images generated by MidJourney to give you something to look at during the audiobook, but don't take them as 100% canon.

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