Psalm 2 | PSALM OF MESSIAH THE PRINCE | I Am A Soldier Of Jesus

1 month ago

PSALM 2. Forward by Charles H Spurgeon.

TITLE.— We shall not greatly err in our summary of this sublime Psalm if we call it
THE PSALM OF MESSIAH THE PRINCE; for it sets forth, in a wondrous vision the tumult of the people against the Lord’s anointed, the determinate purpose of God to exalt his own Son and the ultimate reign of that Son over all his enemies.

Let us to exalt his own Son, and the ultimate reign of that Son over all his enemies. read it with the eye of faith, beholding, as in a glass, the final triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ over all his enemies.

Lowth (a former expositor of the Psalms) has the following remarks upon this Psalm:
“The establishment of David upon his throne, notwithstanding the opposition made to it by his enemies, is the subject of the Psalm.

“David sustains in it a twofold character, literal and allegorical.

“If we read over the Psalm, FIRST with an eye to the literal David, the meaning is obvious, and TWO put beyond all dispute by the sacred history.

“There is indeed an uncommon glow in the expression and sublimity in the figures, and the diction is now and then exaggerated, as it were on purpose to intimate, and lead us complicate templation of higher and more important matters concealed within.

“In compliance with this admonition, it we take another survey of the Psalm as relative to the person and concerns of the spiritual David, a noble series of events immediately rises to view, and the meaning becomes more evident, as well as more exalted.

“The colouring which may perhaps seem too bold and glaring for the king of Israel, will no longer appear so whenever laid upon his great Antitype.
If I didn’t know the definition of Antitype, you probably didn’t know either.

an•ti-type l'an(t)etip, 'anti,tipl
1 a person or thing that represents the opposite of someone or something else: the antitype of female virtue.
2 something that is represented by a symbol: the ship in danger is easily understood to be its old antitype, the Commonwealth, or America the ship of state breaking up on the rocks of Woke politics.

“After we have thus attentively considered the subjects apart, let us look at them together, and we shall behold the full beauty and majesty of this most charming poem.

We shall perceive the two senses very distinct from each other, yet conspiring in perfect harmony, and bearing a wonderful resemblance in every feature and lineament, while the analogy between them is so exactly preserved, that either may pass for the original from whence the other was copied.

“New light is continually cast upon the phraseology, fresh weight and dignity are added to the sentiments, till, gradually ascending from things below to things above, from human affairs to those that are divine, they bear the great important theme upwards with them, and at length place it in the eight and brightness of heaven."

DIVISION.—This Psalm will be best understood if it be viewed as a four-fold picture.
In verses 1, 2, 3) the Nations are raging;

(4 to 6) the Lord in heaven derides them;

(7 to 9) the Son proclaims the decree;

(from 10 to end) advice is given to the kings yield obedience to the Lord's anointed.
This division is not only suggested by the sense, but is warranted by the poetic form of the Psalm, which naturally falls into four stanzas of three verses each.
Charles H Spurgeon
June 19, 1834-January 31, 1892
Psalm 2
Amplified Bible
The Reign of the Lord’s Anointed.
Why are the [a]nations in an [b]uproar [in turmoil against God],
And why do the people devise a vain and hopeless plot

Joe Rogan Describes A Trump Rally
When He Walked Out
Kidd Rock
American Bad Ass

[[In the King James Version -“Why do the heathen rage?”]]

[[There maybe some clues-“Why are the nation in turmoil against God?”]]

[[Some of the nations are in the headlong process of de-evolving. The process of removing goods and services from the marketplace.]]

[[ No more Child Protection Services (CPS) to provide financial services for providers of legal, and to traffickers to assist in the care of children. ]]

[[Obama Care was setup to provide a link of where each child is located, and for ease of transportation of the children across town or across state lines.]]

[[As each child had a vin number, a lot number and a country of origin number.]]

[[As you may recall, Obama Care computer program did a terrible job of tracing from one parent to the next, but it did do a great job of tracing from one abuser to the next user.]]
Tracing the traffickers, the parents, the renters, the end users of the children.]]
[[The computer programmers did not care about where the child had been, but only who ‘cared for’ most recently about where the child had most recently used-abused.]]

[[In short, who last had the child/product, and did they successfully hand the child off to the next parent/abuser.]]

The goal of the Satanist is to, kill, maim and destroy, in that order.
The Selling of Birth Certificates
They Have Stolen Your Soul
No Matter How Its Spelled You Are Made A Sinner
Why Do The Heathen Rage

High Profile VIPs
Check out links below.

Why do the Heathen Rage
Look Over Here ~
Their Drug Is Taken Away
Power is being taken away
Like Drug Addicted Grab and Smear
Their Religion Is Being Taken Away
Baphomet Transsexual Stripped Away
Their Wound Is Out For All To See
Their Magic Blanket Has Lost Its Charm
Tinker Twist Of Time
Out of Time
The kings [[Cains]] of the earth take their stand;
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and His Anointed (the Davidic King, the Messiah, the Christ), saying,
By any other name
Cain and Able story in brief
The Mark of Cain
My X account was hacked
I had a couple of children. Making immature jokes in my name on X. I told them, in their bio “the site had been pirated, I caught them all. Stolen Valor” Then I sent the changes to every follower on the list.
Meaning they tried to sully my name and my impeccable record of service to others; through The Salvation Army.

First Time In History World Is Watching The Take Down Of The Cains

Is DJT King David’s Descendant
Israel‘s Mashiach?

[[ I know I’ve been saying this for months. In the beginning, I reprinted this material because of its shock value.
Donald Trump is a cosmic character; of what type? I am unsure. The Pleiadians claim him as their own.
Trump is part of the Galactic Council. And CODEZVII and LOVEcodezVII
just traveled through our Solar System to pick up a few choice souls. I’m still here, so you’re stuck with me a little longer.]]

[[ I don’t know about you but I can feel the energy ramping up. Then the next shock event.

[[At one moment I am convinced he is ‘a god’, then in the next I am certain he is a type of “saviour’, a ‘son of man.’ ]]

Cypher to Neo. “You’re here to save the world. How does that make you feel

Once you land on video. Let it play to the end. Then the next video will play in the selection.
OF THE ///>>>LIGHT<<<///
[[The Son of Man, which Jesus spoke of so eloquently about, in the third person.
I’m left thinking is; The Son of Man issues a type of ‘John the Baptist.’ “Make straight your paths”
Accused of every vile and lowdown trickery and never sentenced to anything.]]

Matthew 25:31
[[ Then next moment, I believe he is a leader like Cyrus the Great in the Old Testament.]]
[[The story of King Cyrus. The beginner’s guide. 30 minute read. ]]
“Let us break apart their [divine] bands [of restraint]
And cast away their cords [of control] from us.”
Evil Personified
I don't state this lightly, and I urge Trump's security team to be alert to the fact that according to my sources, the US State Dept was aware nearly two years ago that surface-to-air missile systems had "disappeared" into the USA after being smuggled across the border in transport vehicles.
Elon Joins The Rebels
Restored Republic

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