Toda Buffalo Breed

6 months ago

**Toda Buffalo Breed**

The Toda Buffalo is a rare and endangered breed of water buffalo native to the Nilgiri Hills of Tamil Nadu, India. This breed is characterized by its distinctive hump on its back, which is more prominent in males, and its unique horns that are shaped like a crescent moon.


* The Toda Buffalo is a medium-sized breed, with males weighing around 400-500 kg (880-1,100 lbs) and females weighing around 300-400 kg (660-880 lbs).
* The breed has a thick, curly coat that ranges in color from dark brown to black.
* The hump on the back of the buffalo is a distinctive feature, and is more prominent in males.
* The horns are shaped like a crescent moon and are curved upwards.
* The Toda Buffalo is known for its docile nature and is often used for draft purposes, such as plowing fields and transporting goods.

Hash Tags:

* #TodaBuffalo
* #EndangeredSpecies
* #WaterBuffalo
* #RareBreed
* #IndianLivestock
* #NilgiriHills
* #TamilNadu
* #ConservationEfforts
* #SustainableLivestock
* #AgroEcology

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