PART 2 PERILOUS TIMES "Predatory Men. & Weak Willed Women" Christian Lovers of Themselves 2 Timothy 3:6-8 Males & Females

6 months ago

Dr Taveau concludes that St Paul foresaw the Last Days correctly; Part concludes a lot Male and Females in ministry and outside of...deplorable..2 Tim 3:6-8; Hot Subjects:devaluing many females due to false or lack of genuine eaching, much bias, passed down critical Levitical demeaning based on tell Adam 'weak easily beguiled Eve" based on Tradition. Impies that ALL WOMEN are up to something wicked and are dumb, easily fooled and even Christian ministry available to be manhandled.Demeaning, defiling, using, abusive to MANY and this just Christian leadership human subculture

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